Virtual Annual Meeting
Annual Business Meeting on October 15 at 4 PM Please Join us for the Annual Business Meeting on Zoom! Our members will receive the Zoom details and the Annual Report...
Annual Business Meeting on October 15 at 4 PM Please Join us for the Annual Business Meeting on Zoom! Our members will receive the Zoom details and the Annual Report...
VIRTUAL ANDAKT/DEVOTION AND KIRKEKAFFE on April 11 at 3 PM You are all welcome to join us for a virtual devotion on Sunday, April 11, 2021 at 3 PM. After...
VIRTUAL ANDAKT/DEVOTION AND KIRKEKAFFE on March 14 at 3 PM You are all welcome to join us for a virtual devotion on Sunday, March 14, 2021 at 3 PM. After...
VIRTUAL ANDAKT/DEVOTION AND KIRKEKAFFE on February 14 at 3 PM. You are all welcome to join us for a virtual devotion on Sunday, February 14, 2021 at 3 PM. After...
Join us for the online Norwegian Easter Service from NYC on April 12 at 11 AM! Bli med på norsk påskegudstjeneste fra New York den 12. april kl. 1100! Der...